Apply Now. The Arcus Innovation Roadmap (AIR) is designed to allow individuals and teams at organizations design, develop and deploy innovations in people, processes, products, services and many other areas. Register for the Arcus Innovation Roadmap.
Get Certified. Apply Now.
Certified Innovation Professional (CIP) Certificate Requirements
- At least three years of relevant work experience
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Complete all the modules in the Arcus Innovation Roadmap
- Pass the CIP Certification Test
- Pass the 30 minute qualification interview
- Provide at least 3 reference to confirm your qualifications and experience
If you meet these requirements, please contact us to request the CIP Certification Test
Practical applications of CIP
- Assess innovation opportunities and apply frameworks and processes within your organization.
- Customize an innovation strategy for your area of interest or organization.
- Make informed decisions about research and development (R&D) and innovation.
- Use customized metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate your initiative.
- Create, lead and sustain a culture of innovation.
The Arcus Innovation Roadmap introduces breakthrough concepts that can help you identify, capture, and deliver on great ideas and successfully drive innovation throughout your organization. Participants will learn about new strategic approaches and tools to manage products, technologies, and innovation strategies, as well as for discovering new sources of revenue and profitability. It is designed to allow teams to leverage modules to address their address their unique requirements in four essential areas: Discover, Design, Develop and Deploy.
Learn more about the Innovation Program:
Self-directed Innovation Roadmap Modules
Over thirty modules in four easy to follow phases: Discover, Design, Develop and Deploy. The Innovation Roadmap Modules are at the core of the self-directed online process that will guide you through three stages of innovation. Each module contains easy to follow steps for a wide range of topics such as managing ideation sessions, driving change, developing products, finding vendors and understanding customer needs. See the modules in the left to learn more about the range of topics covered in the innovation roadmap.
Design of Modules
The modules is designed to allow individuals and teams at organizations to manage innovation in people, processes, products, services and many other areas. The program is designed to answer thousands of questions that innovators ask today. Some examples:
- What are the requirements for successful innovation?
- How can I manage the risk of failure?
- How can I harness the creativity of my team / organization?
- Is innovation restricted primarily to product development?
- Does it include processes to manage teams and develop talent?
- What steps will help me manage an innovation process?
- How can we ensure that innovation leads to revenue growth?
- Can I launch an innovation project to change the culture in my organization?
- What is required to manage an innovation portfolio?
- How can we mange resources to improve our innovation initiatives?
It is designed to allow teams to leverage modules to address their address their unique requirements in three essential areas:
Define Outcomes
Even the most competent individual or organization that deploys resources effectively still needs to invest in innovation to improve practices and outcomes. Because this is the practical stage of any innovation initiative. without the right resources in the right place, it will not be possible to take an innovation initiative from start to completion.
Develop Strategies
As you would know, resource allocation is critical to strategy development and needs to be designed to be integral to aligning innovation to strategic objectives. One approach that has worked well is to split resources equally to improve existing products and processes, searching out adjacencies and exploring completely new opportunities.
Manage Change
Every individual and organization has its own history and set of capabilities which determine its innovation competency. Individuals and organizations can’t change overnight to operate differently. It takes dedication and small steps to improve processes.
Start your Innovation Plan.
Review a sample Module – discover, design, develop and deploy. Thousands of ideas, cases and videos in over 40 modules.
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Client Experience
“The innovation roadmap provides a high level framework combined with detailed step by step explanations, which is grounded in the executional realities of new product developments. In my view, it is value-adding to both seasoned practitioners looking for a frame of reference for innovation projects, as well as to individuals looking to build or improve their innovation management competencies.” – Ricardo Moreno, Global Marketing Manager, Sustainable Operations at DuPont Sustainable Solutions
A powerful results driven process and collaboration tool for individuals, teams and organizations.
Who is the Arcus Innovation Roadmap for?
AIR is designed to support supervisors and managers at all levels in a wide variety of change related challenges on a daily basis. The goal is to provide managers with a flexible roadmap that can be easily customized to meet unique needs.
What will you get from this resource?
You can access ideas and approaches in over 30 modules, based on a number of key management themes. Each topic addresses common people, process, product and service challenges from culture change to developing a developing a new product strategy. Each topic uses a standard easy-to-use framework and takes about 1-5 hours to complete, depending on your competency level.
- A comprehensive four-stage self directed management program that starts with a complimentary* workshop for your team. Followed by a subscription to the roadmap, supported with optional one-on-one on-demand coaching and mentoring to each subscriber.
- The self-directed program is available to Businesses, Government, Associations and Institutions for a low monthly subscription fee of just $10 or $100 per year. Many additional coaching, mentoring and consulting on-demand services are also available to guide the innovation process of your teams and organization.
- A practical step-by-step guide to help teams develop, deploy and manage their innovation programs in many functional areas such as marketing, product development, HR or change management.
- Contact us for bulk orders and to set up a customized corporate innovation intranet portal for your organization.
- “How to” modules that help individuals and teams at small, mid and large organizations through the four stages of discovery, design, development and deployment. Arcus has deployed the program at many public and private sector organizations with outstanding results.
* For 20+ annual subscriptions.
Arcus Innovation Institute Monthly Panel Discussion on Innovation and Change
On behalf of the Arcus Innovation Institute, we are pleased to invite you to participate in our Monthly Breakfast Panel Discussion with 8-10 senior executives in Toronto. The panel is a series of peer-to-peer discussions with senior executives about challenges they face with innovation and change management. It is designed to allow senior executives to share and learn about the latest in innovation management from peers in an informal setting. Please register today.
- Panels are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month on topics polled by participants – Dec 14, Jan 11, Feb 8, Mar 8, April 12
- A summary of discussion and follow-up onsite presentation on best practices to your team
- Invited organizations include: GE, Siemens, Schneider Electric, ABB, BASF, Syngenta, Bayer, Monsanto, SCIEX, NovoEnzymes, J&J, GSK, P&G, Novartis, 3M, Allergan and others.