
The Arcus Innovation Roadmap design is based on a proven process developed by Arcus with industry experts and is based on a proven Arcus approach on innovation programs. Arcus has delivered the the innovation program in Canada for several years, facilitating workshops for executives in over 36 sectors.


Transformational innovation workshop sessions

Pre‐workshop survey of desired outcomes from the workshop, an 8‐step innovations workshop and a coaching and mentoring program after the workshop, if desired.  The transformational innovation workshop sessions are designed to be highly collaborative with in-depth feedback at an individual, departmental and organizational level. The goal is to enable participants to share their perspectives on the desired innovation state and discuss strategies to get to the desired state for their respective innovation activities. The problem solving methodology leverages real cases from within organizations and guides teams through the 8-step innovation process.


Discover, Design, Develop and Deploy innovations

The Arcus Innovation Roadmap workshop is designed to allow individuals and teams at organizations design, develop and deploy innovations in people, processes, products, services and many other areas. It is designed to allow teams to leverage modules to address their address their unique requirements in four essential areas:

A powerful results driven innovation and collaboration tool for individuals, teams and organizations.

The Arcus Innovation Mentor is an online self directed Innovation Guide that is used by organizations to innovate by improving their products, processes, people and systems. The program is a practical step-by-step guide to help teams develop, deploy and manage their innovation programs. Innovation goes right through all phases of a business. It may relate to many functional areas such as marketing, product development, HR or change management.

The Arcus Roadmap consists of over 30 “how to” modules that help individuals and teams at small, mid and large organizations through the four stages of discovery, design, development and deployment. Arcus has deployed the  program at many public and private sector organizations with outstanding results. The self-directed program is available to Businesses, Government, Associations and Institutions at a low annual subscription fee. Many additional coaching, mentoring and consulting on-demand services are also available to guide the innovation process of your teams and organization.


Start your complimentary trial today.  Get your free copy of the 10-Step Innovation Plan.

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