Self-directed Innovation Roadmap Modules
Access over thirty modules in four easy to follow innovation phases with a flexible annual or monthly subscription.
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The Innovation Roadmap Modules are at the core of the self-directed online process that will guide you through three stages of innovation. Each module contains easy to follow steps for a wide range of topics such as managing ideation sessions, driving change, developing products, finding vendors and understanding customer needs. See the modules in the left to learn more about the range of topics covered in the innovation roadmap.
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Design of Modules
The modules are designed to allow individuals and teams at organizations to manage innovation in people, processes, products, services and many other areas. The program is designed to answer thousands of questions that innovators ask today. Some examples:
- What are the requirements for successful innovation?
- How can I manage the risk of failure?
- How can I harness the creativity of my team / organization?
- Is innovation restricted primarily to product development?
- Does it include processes to manage teams and develop talent?
- What steps will help me manage an innovation process?
- How can we ensure that innovation leads to revenue growth?
- Can I launch an innovation project to change the culture in my organization?
- What is required to manage an innovation portfolio?
- How can we mange resources to improve our innovation initiatives?
It is designed to allow teams to leverage modules to address their address their unique requirements in three essential areas:
Define Outcomes
Even the most competent individual or organization that deploys resources effectively still needs to invest in innovation to improve practices and outcomes. Because this is the practical stage of any innovation initiative. without the right resources in the right place, it will not be possible to take an innovation initiative from start to completion.
Develop Strategies
As you would know, resource allocation is critical to strategy development and needs to be designed to be integral to aligning innovation to strategic objectives. One approach that has worked well is to split resources equally to improve existing products and processes, searching out adjacencies and exploring completely new opportunities.
Manage Change
Every individual and organization has its own history and set of capabilities which determine its innovation competency. Individuals and organizations can’t change overnight to operate differently. It takes dedication and small steps to improve processes.
Leadership Viewpoint
Innovation: Ms. Janine Keogh, VP- Consumer Insight & Strategy, Kraft Canada says innovation requires a framework. Read more.
Collaboration: An interview with Mr. Victor Garcia, CTO of HP. He says new technologies will drive performance and collaboration. Read more.
Siemens on R&D and Growth Strategy: Mr. Dirk Miller, VP, Siemens. says investments in research and development can be an effective growth strategy for companies today. Read more. Review additional insights.
Innovation in Financial Services. A message for CEOs on performance benchmarks, transformation of organizations and performance systems. An interview with Mr. Alan Depencier, Head, Marketing Services and Transformation at RBC. Read more.
Board governance performance: An interview with Mr. Donald McInnes – Chair of Prostate Cancer and Executive Vice Chairman of Alterra Power Corp., a British Columbia-based renewable power development company on improving board governance performance. Read more.
The overriding lesson from the financial crisis: A viewpoint from Mr. Jim Leech, Ex. President and CEO of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, with $129.5B in net assets. There are several relevant ideas for business in this interview. Read more.
Finding the Right Balance between Risk Management and Innovation. An Interview with Ms. Susan Wolburgh Jenah, Corporate Director and Senior Advisor, Aird & Berlis LLP on improving Board Performance in Canada. Ms. Wolburgh Jenah is a distinguished leader and expert in the Canadian securities industry. She was President and CEO of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC). Read more.
Retail Insight: Millennials to drive retail sales. A look back at the year in retail and what we can expect as far as top retail trends including why millennials will be the drivers behind retail sales. Read more.